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Steps To Quit Smoking

Steps To Quit Smoking

8th Oct 2015

There are so many reasons to quit smoking that this blog post could easily become an essay or an ebook. To sum it up, smoking kills. WHO has classified many of the ingredients found within tobacco cigarettes as toxic and likely carcinogenic, meaning that they can potentially cause cancer.

It is not only the health of the individual that smokes that is at risk. Public Health England ran with the Go Smoke-Free ban in 2007 based on overwhelming evidence that smoking harms the smoker and that passive smoking may be just as dangerous.

Added to these very good reasons to quit smoking is that smoking and related illness/disease cost the NHS billions of pounds, which is not small given that the NHS is in crisis. The last thing the UK wants is to add to the number of people who no longer have access to essential healthcare. We’re very lucky in many respects, here in the UK, that healthcare is free at the point of access.

Reasons Why Smokers Find It Hard To Quit

There’s no denying that tobacco smoking is a major health concern for those who smoke and those around them, especially children affected by passive smoking. Smoking-related diseases are responsible for up to 100,000 deaths annually in the UK. Smoking-related diseases also put a terrible burden on NHS resources and funds.

With the rise in taxes on tobacco products, smoking is becoming an increasingly expensive habit to maintain. In 2007, the smoking ban was enforced. Soon, smoking will be illegal in any vehicle where children are present.

Yet with all these negative aspects of smoking weighing up, why do so many smokers find it almost impossible to quit?

Nicotine Addiction

The main reason that many smokers find it hard to quit is because they are addicted to the nicotine present in cigarettes. The nicotine level varies from 2mg - 8mg per cigarette, depending on the cigarette's strength.

Lack Of Willpower

Many smokers feel that they are not strong-minded enough to quit. They lack the willpower to resist the temptation of smoking. This is particularly true for smokers who wish to quit, but their partner continues to smoke. Many smokers blame triggers such as stress, tiredness or anxiety as the main causes of reaching for the cigarette packet.

Smoking is a Habit

Smokers associate smoking with other habitual activities such as drinking coffee or alcohol or consistently reaching for that after-meal cigarette. Smoking has become a habit that they just can’t seem to break. However, associating smoking with other activities will make quitting much harder.

Smokers who have tried to quit complain that they miss the hand-to-mouth action of cigarette smoking or that they miss holding a cigarette between their fingers.

Fear Of Gaining Weight

The fear of piling on the pounds by comforting eating is another major reason many smokers are reluctant to quit. They believe that cigarettes act as an appetite suppressant that can stave off hunger pangs and that boredom and frustration in dealing with their cigarette cravings have them reaching for calorie-rich alternatives such as sugar-laden foods.

They Just Don’t Want To Quit

Finally, some smokers enjoy the experience of smoking too much to want to give up. They can’t imagine life without a cigarette and are reluctant to try non-smoking alternatives because they would miss the taste and ‘hit’ of smoking too much. If you are one of the many smokers who is finding it impossible to quit smoking and would like to try a non-smoking alternative to tobacco cigarettes, consider trying an e-cigarette.

E-cigarettes are available in a wide range of flavours, including tobacco-flavoured liquids with a genuine tobacco taste. E liquids are available with different nicotine levels, so you can adjust the levels and cut down gradually without suffering from severe nicotine withdrawal.

E-cigarettes produce a non-toxic vapour that simulates tobacco cigarettes without harmful chemicals. They won't affect others around you through passive smoking. If you have a sweet tooth, try one of the many sweeter-flavoured e-liquids for a full-flavoured vaping experience.

New Year - New E-Cigarette Smoker?

In all the fuss about whether e-cigarettes do or don’t help you quit smoking and if e-cigs should be prescribed on the NHS, and whether or not e-liquids should contain alcohol, one simple fact often goes missing … people who want to stop smoking find electronic cigarettes are a life-saver.

And a major voice in the smoking debate has been trying to remind us of this fact. Professor David Sweanor has a fifteen-year history of research into the harmful effects of smoking, and he says that moving to e-cigarette use, or vaping, is ‘way less hazardous’ than burning tobacco to get the nicotine.

So why are so many people negative about e-cigarettes? He thinks one reason is that people who campaign against the big tobacco companies see this as a way to wipe them out, so they don’t want diversions from the ‘crusade’ to close them down. Maybe he’s right, but how does that help today’s smoker who’s made a New Year’s Resolution to stop smoking but is struggling or maybe has already cracked and gone back to their bad habit?

A common goal, coincidentally starting in the new year, revolves around being healthier and, as a result, happier. If you share this popular thinking train, have you considered how you will achieve it?

Setting Goals

It doesn’t matter whether you are looking at claiming a mounting or giving up smoking; when you take on a project or aim for something big, you must set goals.

Not all goals are equal, so you must be savvy to succeed. First, ensure your goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely). If, for example, you are looking to lose weight, you might break your goals down into realistic targets, set yourself a time limit for each half-stone lost, and ensure your goal is measurable, i.e. by weighing in weekly, that the goal is specific (so lose 19lb, not “lose some weight”) and that it can be done (losing 19lb by next week is not attainable).

Once you thought about what you want to achieve and have set your goals, you are on your way to success.

Quitting Smoking

A common goal, particularly for New Year, is quitting smoking. Given that tobacco smoking is banned in public places and at work, that it is well known to be harmful to your health and is increasingly expensive, there’s no wonder this is at the top of many people's lists!

Wanting to give up smoking, however, and doing it is hard and so it can take some planning. Some ways to help yourself when quitting smoking include visiting an NHS cessation clinic, using nicotine replacement therapy, going cold turkey, or switching to vaping.

Yes! Vaping can help you give up tobacco smoking! Two parts to smoking make it so hard to quit, one being the highly addictive nicotine the cigarettes contain, and the second, which is hard to crack, is the physical habit. Smoking can be stress-relieving, calming, and friendly; having something in your hand and the hand-to-mouth action is hard to break. Many turn to vaping to continue enjoying the physical act and to maintain their nicotine level but without the nasties contained in tobacco cigarettes (many of which have been confirmed by WHO as being cancer-causing).

Even better, unlike regular cigarettes, with an e-cigarette, you can choose what nicotine level you wish to include in your e-liquid to gradually reduce this over time rather than all at once, making it easier to wean yourself. There are even nicotine-free e-liquids in a wide range of flavours to enjoy a significantly cleaner and healthier smoke (Public Health England has stated vaping is the healthier smoking alternative by far).

This is something to consider when setting your quit-smoking goals.

Move More and Eat Less

To lose weight and become fitter, you must eat less and move more! To lose weight, your calorie intake should be below the energy your body uses. By setting a sensible calorie goal and increasing your activity, you will quickly see a significant improvement in your overall wellness.

Several plans are available to help you lose weight safely and successfully (for example, Slimming World or Weight Watchers), and your GP / nurse can signpost you towards other successful weight loss programmes. Increasing your activity may be done in many different ways; however, if you are looking for a starting point, look up the Couch to 5k NHS plan, which has helped thousands get on their feet and gradually but successfully increase their fitness.

Do a Little of What Makes You Happy

While you’re busy setting goals, moving more, eating and drinking more mindfully and hopefully ditching the tobacco for something healthier, think about doing something different, something just for you.

The old saying “a little of what you fancy does you good” is not far wrong, so set yourself a separate challenge or bucket list. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn a new language, take a course in something you love rather than something for work, visit a new city, knit yourself a scarf; whatever you aim for, make sure there’s something in there purely for enjoyment!

Creating a Quit Plan: Strategies for Success

Quitting smoking is a challenging yet transformative journey that requires careful planning and determination. A well-thought-out quit plan can significantly increase your chances of success and help you overcome the hurdles often accompanying breaking free from nicotine addiction.

Set a Quit Date:

The first step in creating a successful quit plan is to set a specific quit date. Choose a date within the next few weeks, giving you enough time to mentally and emotionally prepare. It should be a day that holds significance. Having a fixed quit date will give you a sense of commitment and motivation to start your journey to a smoke-free life.

Identify Triggers and Create Coping Strategies:

Understanding your smoking triggers is vital to overcoming the cravings and temptations that may arise during your quit journey. Common triggers include stress, boredom, social situations, and habits like after meals or with morning coffee. Once identified, develop coping strategies for each trigger. For instance, if stress triggers you to smoke, consider adopting relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises or yoga.

Seek Support:

Quitting smoking can be challenging, and having a support system can make all the difference. Share your decision to quit with friends, family, and colleagues who can provide encouragement and understanding. Consider joining a support group or seeking professional counselling. The camaraderie and assistance from others on a similar journey can be immensely helpful during tough times.

Replace Smoking Habits:

Smoking is not just a physical addiction but also a psychological habit. Replace smoking with healthier alternatives, such as chewing gum, snacking fruits or veggies, or engaging in physical activities like walking or jogging. Distracting yourself with new, positive habits will help break the association between certain activities and smoking.

Prepare for Withdrawal Symptoms:

Withdrawal symptoms are common when quitting smoking but are temporary and manageable. Symptoms may include irritability, anxiety, and cravings. Prepare for these challenges by keeping yourself busy with activities, staying hydrated, and getting enough rest. Remember that withdrawal symptoms are a sign of progress as your body heals from the effects of smoking.

Utilise Nicotine Replacement Therapies:

Consider using nicotine replacement therapies like nicotine patches, gum, or lozenges to ease withdrawal symptoms. These products provide a controlled amount of nicotine, reducing the intensity of cravings while gradually weaning you off the addictive substance.

Embracing Vaping as a Quitting Tool: Exploring Vaping Products

In recent years, vaping has emerged as a viable tool for individuals seeking to quit smoking. This alternative method has garnered considerable attention due to its potential benefits and effectiveness in aiding smokers to transition from traditional cigarettes.

The Role of Vaping in Smoking Cessation

Quitting smoking is a challenging endeavour, primarily due to the addictive nature of nicotine found in conventional cigarettes. Vaping, which involves inhaling vaporised e-liquids through electronic devices, offers a promising alternative by providing a similar experience to smoking without the harmful combustion of tobacco. Many smokers find that vaping satisfies their nicotine cravings while gradually reducing their cigarette dependency. Research suggests that vaping can be an effective harm reduction strategy and a stepping stone towards complete smoking cessation.

Exploring Vaping Products for Smoking Cessation

Several vaping products are specifically designed to assist smokers in their journey to quit:

Starter Kits: Vaping starter kits are ideal for beginners, containing everything needed to begin the vaping experience. These kits typically include a vaporiser, rechargeable batteries, and pre-filled or refillable e-liquid cartridges.

Pod Systems: Pod systems are user-friendly, portable devices that use pre-filled or refillable pods. They offer a hassle-free and discrete vaping experience, making them suitable for those transitioning from cigarettes.

Nicotine Salt E-Liquids: Nicotine salt e-liquids deliver nicotine more efficiently, simulating the rapid effects of smoking a traditional cigarette. This can be especially helpful for heavy smokers seeking a more satisfying vaping experience.

Temperature Control Mods: These advanced vaping devices allow users to customise their experience by adjusting temperature settings and wattage. Temperature control mods are popular among experienced vapers who want more control over their device.

Gradual Reduction: Transitioning from Smoking to Vaping

The transition from smoking to vaping can be a life-changing decision that positively impacts your health and lifestyle. Vaping offers an alternative to traditional smoking, providing a smoother and potentially safer experience. Adopting a gradual reduction approach is essential to make this switch as smooth as possible. By understanding the benefits, selecting the right vaping device, choosing suitable e-liquids, and addressing potential challenges, individuals can effectively ease into vaping and improve their chances of successfully leaving cigarettes behind.

Understanding the Benefits

Before embarking on the vaping journey, it is vital to recognise the numerous benefits of this transition. Vaping eliminates the harmful toxins from combustion during smoking, significantly reducing the health risks associated with traditional cigarettes. Moreover, transitioning to vaping can lead to improved respiratory function, increased sense of taste and smell, and decreased likelihood of secondhand smoke exposure to others. Understanding these advantages can serve as a powerful motivator during the transition process.

Selecting the Right Vaping Device

Choosing the appropriate vaping device is critical in ensuring a smooth switch. Beginners often find pod systems or vape pens more user-friendly due to their simplicity and ease of use. These devices are designed to mimic the sensation of smoking, making them ideal for those looking for a familiar experience. Additionally, they offer various nicotine strengths, allowing users to decrease their nicotine intake as they progress gradually.

Choosing Suitable E-liquids

E-liquids, or vape juices, are significant in the vaping experience. Smokers transitioning to vaping may benefit from starting with e-liquids with a nicotine concentration similar to regular cigarettes. This familiarity can ease the psychological aspect of the switch. As time passes, individuals can gradually decrease the nicotine content in their e-liquids until they reach a nicotine-free option, if desired.

Addressing Potential Challenges

It's essential to acknowledge that transitioning from smoking to vaping might pose challenges. Initially, individuals may experience minor side effects such as throat irritation or coughing, which are temporary and often subside as the body adjusts to the change. Staying hydrated and opting for high-quality e-liquids can help alleviate these issues. Additionally, finding support through online communities or local vape shops can offer encouragement and advice.

Steps to Quitting Smoking

If you decide to quit smoking, you’ve surpassed the first hurdle. Deciding to quit is the most important step to quitting smoking for good. Here is a guide to the steps you can take in the challenge.

Choose A Date

Choose a date, mark it on your calendar, and stick to it. Don’t try quitting before the assigned date. Remove all traces of cigarette smoking from your house: ashtrays, lighters, and hidden pockets for emergencies. Wash clothing and bedding that smells of cigarette smoke.

Identify Triggers

Be aware of smoking triggers and take steps to distract yourself. The worst smoking triggers are:

  • Stress
  • Other smokers
  • Alcohol and coffee
  • At the end of a meal

Tell Your Friends And Family

Tell loved ones of your intent to quit smoking. Ask them to be supportive and patient in this challenging time. Start to think of yourself as a non-smoker. If your partner smokes, try and come to an understanding and encourage them not to smoke in your presence and to consider smoking outside. Your determination to quit may even encourage them to stop smoking too!


Regular exercise is a great distraction and will help you regain your fitness. You can breathe more easily, and oxygen will move more easily around your body. Once you start to feel the benefits, your cravings will cease, and you’ll feel fitter and younger.

Drink Water

Drinking plenty of water benefits those who want to quit smoking. Water consumption helps to minimise cravings and will also help to suppress your appetite. Drinking water will keep you hydrated and help flush out the toxic build-up caused by cigarettes.


If you dread going ‘cold turkey’, consider buying e-cigarette starter kits. They don’t produce smoke or tar. You can control your e-liquid nicotine levels and reduce your addiction.

GoSmokeFree is an online wholesale supplier of e-cig starter kits, e-liquids and vape tanks. Our website is also full of good advice for those who wish to try the e-cigarette experience.

Managing Nicotine Cravings: Tips and Techniques

Overcoming nicotine cravings is essential to quitting smoking or any form of nicotine use. These cravings can be intense and challenging, but managing and eventually conquering them successfully with the right strategies is possible. This article delves into specific details on how to effectively cope with nicotine cravings, providing valuable tips and techniques to help individuals on their journey towards a smoke-free life.

Identify Triggers:

Understanding the triggers that lead to nicotine cravings is crucial in managing them. Common triggers include stress, boredom, social situations, and specific smoking-related places or activities. By recognising these triggers, individuals can develop a plan to avoid or confront them, making it easier to cope with cravings when they arise.

Develop a Support System:

Quitting nicotine is easier when you have a strong support system. Reach out to friends, family members, or support groups who can provide encouragement and understanding throughout your journey. Sharing your experiences and feelings with others who have gone through or are going through the same struggle can be immensely beneficial.

Engage in Regular Exercise:

Physical activity is an effective way to reduce nicotine cravings. Exercise releases endorphins, which act as natural mood lifters, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety often associated with cravings. Incorporating regular workouts, even if it's just a brisk walk, can significantly contribute to managing cravings and improving overall well-being.

Practice Deep Breathing and Meditation:

Deep breathing exercises and meditation techniques can assist in managing cravings by promoting relaxation and reducing tension. When a craving strikes, take a moment to close your eyes, take slow, deep breaths, and focus on calming thoughts. These practices can help redirect your mind from the craving and regain control over your thoughts and emotions.

Distract Yourself:

Finding a healthy distraction can be a powerful tool when a craving hits. Engage in activities that capture your attention, such as reading a book, doing a puzzle, or pursuing a hobby. Keeping your mind and hands occupied will shift the focus away from the craving, allowing it to subside naturally.

Use Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT):

Nicotine replacement therapies, such as patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers, or nasal sprays, can help manage cravings. NRT provides a controlled dose of nicotine without the harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke, making it easier to reduce nicotine dependence gradually.

Set Achievable Goals:

Breaking the journey to quit smoking into smaller, achievable goals can make the process more manageable. Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small, as it reinforces your determination and commitment to quitting.

Celebrating Milestones: Acknowledging Progress and Success

Quitting smoking is a significant achievement that deserves celebration. Overcoming this challenging habit requires dedication, willpower, and determination. Celebrating the milestones during your journey to a smoke-free life is crucial, as it acknowledges your progress and reinforces your commitment to success.

The Significance of Celebrating Success:

Acknowledging and celebrating your accomplishments while quitting smoking can be a powerful motivator. Recognising your progress reinforces the positive changes you've made in your life. Celebrations create a sense of achievement, boosting your self-confidence and reminding you of the importance of your goal. Moreover, celebrating success releases dopamine, the "feel-good" hormone, which can reinforce your determination to stay smoke-free.

Set Milestones and Goals:

Breaking down your smoke-free journey into smaller milestones and achievable goals is essential. Celebrate these milestones when you reach them, whether a day, a week, a month, or more since you last smoked. Each milestone signifies a step closer to your ultimate goal of living a healthier life.

Treat Yourself:

Rewarding yourself when you achieve a milestone is an excellent way to stay motivated. Choose rewards that do not involve smoking or harmful habits, such as treating yourself to a favourite meal at a restaurant, buying something you've wanted for a while, or planning a day trip to a destination you love.

Share Your Success:

Share your achievements with friends, family, or a support group. Letting others know about your progress allows them to celebrate with you and provide encouragement. Their positive reinforcement strengthens your resolve and keeps you accountable on your journey.

Create a Memory Jar:

Start a memory jar where you can jot down notes about your achievements, moments of triumph, and words of encouragement from loved ones. When you feel challenged or tempted to smoke, revisit these notes to remind yourself how far you've come.

Engage in Healthy Activities:

Instead of turning to smoking to cope with stress, anxiety, or boredom, explore healthier alternatives. Engage in activities that bring joy and fulfilment, such as exercising, painting, meditation, or spending quality time with loved ones.

Document Your Progress:

Keep a journal to document your journey. Write about your challenges, how you overcame them, and your feelings after each milestone. Reflecting on your progress can be incredibly motivating and remind you of your resilience.

How May Vaping Help You Quit Smoking?

There are many reasons why quitting smoking is so difficult. The nicotine content in cigarettes is one of these reasons, being an addictive substance; however, there are many more. Studies have indicated that smokers also become addicted to the other chemicals found in cigarettes. While these aren’t, strictly speaking, known to be addictive, the body does get used to having them around.

The physical act of smoking is also difficult to walk away from. The hand-to-mouth action, the comfort many get from smoking, and the social aspect make quitting smoking difficult. That and the fact that despite health concerns, some people just don’t want to give up a habit they enjoy.

Vaping may help with all of this. Using an e-cigarette replaces the physical sensation of having something in your hand, taking a draw instead of a drag, and is something people still do together socially. Vaping offers many who have switched from smoking a valid alternative to tobacco cigarettes but without the nasties.

In addition, e-liquids used within an e-cigarette to create an inhaled flavoured vapour may also contain nicotine. You don’t need to go cold turkey on the nicotine front when switching to vaping. The difference between the nicotine found within a cigarette and an e-cigarette is that with an e-cig, you control how much nicotine you use. E liquids contain nicotine in varying strengths so that you may decrease your usage gradually, down to nil. Many zero-nicotine e-liquids are available to vape nicotine-free if wished.

Vaping is a brilliant alternative to smoking, offering all that people consider good about it (enjoyability and relaxation) without the associated health damage!

Vaping Advocates

Don’t take our word for it. Many individuals, agencies, charities and even NHS groups advocate using e-cigarettes as a valid cessation tool, helping smokers give up harmful tobacco smoking for good. Cancer Research UK is one such charity, and Public Health England is another.

Public Health England (PHE) is the government group responsible for the implementation of the Go Smoke-Free legislation that went live in July 2007 and has been responsible for the smoking bans in and around public places, including cafes, pubs, public venues, on public transport, at work and more. Given their pro-health and anti-smoking sentiment, it was heartening to see PHE list e-cigarettes and vaping as valid and useful cessation devices/options in their Stoptober materials last year.

It’s no surprise that vaping is a big thing. With countless professionals damning tobacco cigarette smoking for its health risks, vaping offers a cleaner, healthier alternative. The surge in sales and the number of vape stores popping up has gone a long way toward helping the boom along in the UK.

Out with the Old

Tobacco cigarettes have had their day. The industry is far from disappearing (yet); however, people are now more aware than ever of the risks associated with smoking. Cigarette prices have gone up, legislation has been put in place to stop smoking in public, and a strict set of rules around marketing is in place.

These restrictions and changes aren’t exactly “brand-new” news stories however, the introduction of vaping as a viable, healthier and more enjoyable alternative is going a long way towards reducing the number of adults smoking in the UK.

Current statistics from the Office of National Statistics show that between 2010 and 2022, the number of adult smokers dropped significantly. 20.1% of men and women here in the UK were smoking in 2010, whereas fewer than 17.2% were in 2022. This may seem like a small drop. However, given the size of the UK population and the fact that smoking is an established habit, it is impressive.

Tobacco cigarettes aren’t as available as they once were. The number of cigarettes released onto the market is significantly lower than it once was. Between the ’90s and 2022, 62% fewer cigarettes were sold.

Cigarettes have also increased in price, and not by a little! They were 89% more expensive in 2023 than a decade ago. That’s one heck of a price increase.

Relapse Prevention: Strategies to Stay Smoke-Free

Quitting smoking is a significant accomplishment, but the journey towards a smoke-free life doesn't end with stubbing out that last cigarette. Staying smoke-free requires dedication, perseverance, and the implementation of effective relapse-prevention strategies. Understanding the challenges that may trigger a relapse and having a well-thought-out plan to counter them is crucial in ensuring a successful, long-term smoke-free lifestyle.

Identify Triggers and Coping Mechanisms:

To maintain a smoke-free life, it's essential to identify the triggers that may tempt you to reach for a cigarette. Common triggers include stress, social situations, alcohol consumption, and exposure to environments associated with smoking. Once you've identified these triggers, develop coping mechanisms to handle them effectively. Stress-reducing activities such as meditation, exercise, or deep breathing can help counter stress-related cravings. Informing friends and family about your decision to quit can create a supportive network to lean on during social gatherings or challenging situations.

Establish Healthy Habits:

Replacing smoking with healthy habits can greatly contribute to your success in staying smoke-free. Adopting a regular exercise routine reduces cravings and improves overall well-being. Additionally, focus on a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, as proper nutrition is crucial in managing withdrawal symptoms. Adequate sleep is equally important, as tiredness can weaken your resolve to remain smoke-free.

Develop Alternative Coping Strategies:

It's essential to have alternative coping strategies for dealing with stress, boredom, or emotions that used to trigger smoking. Engaging in hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or participating in support groups can help occupy your mind positively and prevent a relapse. Finding creative outlets or pursuing new interests can be a healthy distraction during challenging times.

Learn from Relapses:

Despite your best efforts, relapses can still occur. It's crucial to view these setbacks as learning opportunities rather than failures. Analyse the situation leading to the relapse and identify what triggered it. Use this knowledge to strengthen your relapse prevention strategies and reinforce your commitment to a smoke-free life.

Celebrate Milestones:

Recognise and celebrate your smoke-free milestones. Acknowledging and rewarding your progress, whether a day, a week or a month without smoking, reinforces your determination to remain smoke-free. Treat yourself to non-smoking-related rewards, such as a spa day, a weekend getaway, or a favourite activity.

Making the Choice and Getting It Done

It’s easy to decide to quit smoking yet often harder to follow through with, which is one of the many reasons that smokers are turning to vaping as a valid alternative. To rewind, though, you first have to decide to quit.

If you’ve reached this part of the blog post and are still reading, the chances are you have already decided to give up smoking. Now pick a day. On Monday, the first of the month, World Health Day, pick a day and stick to it. To successfully quit, consider your options.

Quit Cold Turkey

Some say ripping the plaster off is the way to go. It works for some but is too painful for others.

Visit Your Local NHS Stop Smoking Service

Your local clinic will help you explore ways to quit smoking, from group counselling sessions to nicotine replacement therapy. While vaping is not officially available on the NHS, some already advocate using e-cigarettes to help people avoid smoking.

Vaping is the Best Option to Stop Smoking

Public Health England has been keen to advocate using e-cigarettes to help individuals quit smoking for good, reporting that they are at least 95% less harmful than tobacco cigarettes. Vaping is the cleaner, often cheaper option allowing smokers to mimic their previous habit, moving away from smoking and across to a fun, enjoyable, yet not deadly hobby!

Using e-cigarettes as a means to quit has been successful for many people as e-liquids contain nicotine which smokers crave when they try and give up. With vaping, however, you may gradually wean yourself off nicotine if this is an issue for you by gradually reducing the amount of nicotine in your e-cig until you are down to zero nicotine e-liquids.

Similarly, vaping helps smokers who miss the social aspect of smoking, the hand-to-mouth habit, the relaxation and more.

Helping Others Quit Smoking

Few things will make someone less likely to quit than being hounded by a non-smoker to do the same. Don’t try and push people into quitting smoking/switching to vaping, yet be encouraging. Share blog posts such as these and help dispel the myths around vaping. If giving up smoking yourself is the one thing for you, then helping others could also help you as it removes the likelihood of passive smoking and the strain on the NHS.

This World Health Day, look out for campaigns you support that will make a difference, and look closer to home to see what may be done to improve health, particularly by quitting smoking or encouraging the environment around you to be free of passive smoke.

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