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While we cannot add “teeth whitening” to the list of benefits vaping has over tobacco smoking we can offer up recent results of a study which shows that vaping is much less likely to stain your teeth.On a scale of one to ten concerning the dangers of smoking, discolouration of the teeth doesn’t rank too highly (not when you have a pulmonary disease and potentially cancer to contend with). It is, however, a known fact that smoking does cause your… Read more
As we all know, smoking is banned in England, and many other places when it comes to public spaces. This started in 2007 with the implementation of the government Go Smoke Free ban. This saw smoking banned at work, on public transport, in shopping centres, cafes, public buildings and more. A later addition has seen smoking in cars where minors are present banned too. Vaping is not mentioned under the GSF legislation and so many are asking, w… Read more
Public Health England have become quite the knight in shining armour where vaping is concerned over the past year or so. While the vaping community, researchers, charity groups and more all accept smoking as bad and vaping as much better some of the general public tend to be a little harder to convince sometimes. Public Health England (PHE) have been working to dispel the myths surrounding vaping and encourage more individuals to ditch smoki… Read more
For the first time adult smoking numbers across England have dropped below fifteen percent. These statistics were released by Public Health England (PHE) and ONS (The Office for National Statistics). Right now 6.1 million adults smoke in the UK. This means that since 2014 over a million individuals have chosen to given up harmful tobacco smoking. We are hopeful that the number will keep on dropping and based on records for the past five year… Read more

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