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​Is Vaping Safe?

​Is Vaping Safe?

14th Dec 2018

Vaping has become an increasingly popular alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. However, concerns about its safety have led many to question whether it is a safer alternative. In this blog post, we will explore the research on vaping and its safety.

First, let’s discuss the good things scientists say about vaping.

What Do Scientists Say About Vaping?

According to a study published in the Journal of Aerosol Science, e-cigarettes produce significantly fewer harmful chemicals than traditional cigarettes. This study found that vaping produces between 95% and 99% fewer harmful chemicals than smoking.

In addition, a study conducted by Public Health England found that vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking. The study, which had 200 respondents, examined whether vaping causes lung or heart damage or health problems. The overwhelming findings showed that no, vaping does not.

Given that over three million people around the UK vape now, we’d say that is excellent news and that it backs up what many have been saying for a long time.

Now, let’s address the question of whether vaping will kill you.

Will Vaping Kill You?

It is important to note that vaping is not without risk, but the risks are significantly lower than those associated with smoking traditional cigarettes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaping-related deaths and illnesses are rare. In 2019, there were 68 deaths and 2,807 hospitalisations due to vaping-related lung injuries, but these cases were linked to using black-market THC products, not traditional e-cigarettes.

Vaping is a much safer alternative to smoking cigarettes when used responsibly. As we learnt earlier from Public Health England, vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking - making it an excellent option for smokers who want to quit or reduce their tobacco intake.

The key is to use regulated products from reputable sources and to follow safe vaping practices. This includes maintaining and regularly replacing vape devices, charging them correctly, and using the appropriate e-juice for your device.

By opting for regulated vaping products and following safe vaping practices, individuals can enjoy the benefits of vaping without compromising their health.

It’s crucial to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest research and regulations surrounding vaping to make informed decisions about its use.

Finally, let’s look at the evidence of vaping being safer than tobacco.

Is Vaping Better Than Tobacco Smoking?

As mentioned earlier, vaping produces significantly fewer harmful chemicals than smoking traditional cigarettes. A study conducted by Cancer Research UK found that e-cigarettes are 97% less harmful than smoking.

Moreover, a study by the University of Louisville found that vaping is less addictive than traditional cigarettes. The study found that e-cigarettes were less addictive than tobacco cigarettes and that e-cigarette users were less likely to quit smoking.

With so much evidence to the contrary, why does public perception seem to have moved towards e-cigarettes being negative?

The harm tobacco cigarettes will do to your body is transparent. Yet, the fact that e-cigarettes are entirely different to smoking and that several agencies have advocated for vaping as a cessation device, given that it is healthier than smoking, doesn’t seem to have turned opinions towards vaping.

The reason behind this is, primarily, the media.

What Does The Media Think of Vaping?

Sometimes the media get something of an unfair reputation when it comes to being blamed for everything that happens in the world; however, when it comes to public perception regarding smoking, and of course, opinion can significantly affect how people or don’t act.

The media do have to shoulder some of the blame. The Times recently apologised to a group of scientists for stating that the tobacco industry paid for their research, insinuating that it couldn’t be “fair”.

This casts a shadow of doubt on all research done by the same team (probably why there has been talking of legal action) and has had a knock-on effect on how people view and how much they trust other research into vaping (etc.).

This is just one example of how the media have altered the opinion of vaping. Many other myths need to be dispelled about vaping too.

The Myths About Vaping?

Despite the growing body of evidence supporting the safety of vaping, there are still many myths surrounding it. Let’s explore some of the most common myths and the evidence that dispels them.

Myth #1: Vaping is as harmful as smoking traditional cigarettes.

This is perhaps the most common myth about vaping, which we have learnt more about within this article. While vaping is not without risks, we have learnt that it is significantly less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes.

Studies have found that vaping produces between 95% and 99% fewer harmful chemicals than smoking. Moreover, vaping is not associated with the same risks of lung cancer, heart disease, and other health issues that come with smoking.

Myth #2: Vaping causes popcorn lung.

Popcorn lung is a condition that can develop from exposure to diacetyl, a flavouring chemical that was once commonly used in popcorn factories. While diacetyl has been found in some e-cigarette flavours, it is only present in minimal amounts, and there is no evidence to suggest that vaping causes popcorn lung.

Myth #3: Secondhand vapour is just as harmful as secondhand smoke.

E liquids include few ingredients. You have a propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin base (numerous rations from high VG e-liquid to ones with more PG), water, nicotine and flavourings. Making secondhand vapour significantly less harmful than secondhand smoke from traditional cigarettes.

There is no nasty stuff, unlike tobacco cigarettes, which include many ingredients that the World Health Organisation has branded as being both toxic and have the potential to cause cancer.

It is, however, not a good idea to ingest e-liquid. The flavours only come out when heated up as vapour, and ingesting nicotine can be dangerous. For this reason, e liquids should be kept sealed and away from children and pets.

Myth #4 My vape will explode

Hopefully not! E-cigarettes do not randomly and spontaneously burst into flame. What the media reports advertising these rare occurrences do not state is that, more often than not, they are caused by something that could have been avoided, for example:

Damaged lithium batteries (similar to those that power mobile phones) E-cigarettes that have been altered (modifying an e-cigarette can be a tricky business and is not advised).

If you are looking for a specific type of device, build one up rather than changing an existing one). Ultimately, if you take proper precautions, as with any battery-powered device, there’s no reason to be concerned about exploding e-cigarettes!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the research on vaping suggests that it is a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes.

While there are risks associated with vaping, they are significantly lower than those associated with smoking.

The evidence shows that vaping produces significantly fewer harmful chemicals, reduces the risk of heart disease, and poses a lower risk of developing lung cancer. Therefore, vaping may be a good option if you are a smoker looking for a safer alternative.

If you are interested in learning more about vaping or purchasing vaping products, GoSmokeFree is a great place to start.

We offer various vaping products, including e-cigarettes, e-liquids, and accessories. Additionally, our website provides valuable information about vaping and its benefits.

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